We're passionate about doing our part to contribute to causes that help people, wildlife and the planet.
We're proud to be dedicating 5% of proceeds to The Ocean Cleanup, an organization that develops advanced technologies to rid the world's oceans of plastic.
Ocean garbage patches are vast and dispersed. Taking advantage of natural oceanic forces, The Ocean Cleanup is developing a passive system to catch and concentrate the plastic.
The more cleanup systems released, the more plastic will be collected. Computation models show a full-scale deployment will lead to a 50 % reduction of the Great Pacific Garbage Patch in 5 years’ time.
In parallel to developing technology to extract plastic from the ocean, the organization is also investigating how to recycle the material into high quality plastics to make the cleanup self-sustainable.
Imagine your next phone, chair, car bumper or sunglasses could be made from plastic retrieved from the Great Pacific Garbage Patch. The future is bright.
The Largest Cleanup in History.
Over 5 trillion pieces of plastic currently litter the ocean.
Trash accumulates in 5 ocean garbage patches, the largest one being the Great Pacific Garbage Patch, located between Hawaii and California. If left to circulate, the plastic will impact our ecosystems, health and economies. Solving it requires a combination of closing the source, and cleaning up what has already accumulated in the ocean.
The Ocean Cleanup develops advanced technologies to rid the world's oceans of plastic. A full-scale deployment of our systems is estimated to clean up 50 % of the Great Pacific Garbage Patch every 5 years.